Thursday, May 28, 2009

ONE Precious Week

One thousand, one hundred and eighty- two minus fifty six equals One Thousand, One Hundred and Twenty Six. The fifty six was for college.

That's how many weeks I got to spend with my first born.

There were times that I hung on to every second, being fully aware that they'd be gone in the blink of an eye. And other times when I just got through the day with no time for sentiment or introspection, taking it all for granted and mistakenly believing that it all would go on & on and things would stay exactly how they were.

Alas, either way - more than eleven hundred weeks are gone and another five hundred and twenty to boot. And the fact that I get to spend one ... ONE single week with the awesome woman that is my daughter, has me just as excited as if it were Christmas. How cool would be to get a whole, uninterupted week with any of ... or EACH of my four wonderful kids?! Literally thousands of weeks spent with that interesting brood and now I'd do a Happy Dance for ONE!

1 comment:

Nancy Malay said...

I know you'll have a wonderful time with your beautiful daughter, Ev!
